Day of Development 2021
Academic Tech Expo 2021: Reimagined
A Day of Development: January 15th, 2021
This year, we were excited to bring you the 10th year of the Academic Technology Expo, but the Coronavirus Pandemic has changed our plans. We will still be having ATE 2021 later this year and to help accommodate the astounding times we are currently in, OU IT and its partners are proud to bring forth a Day of Development for instructors across all three campuses. The Day of Development will take place on January 15th, 2021.
All sessions were virtual via Zoom.
Agenda topics and times are available below. Zoom sessions will be 8:30 am – 5:00 pm including break-out sessions and networking opportunities. Come and go as your schedule allows or stay all day if you’re feeling up to it.
Day of Development Agenda:
- 8:45 AM: Welcome Address
- 9:00 AM: Hybrid/HyFlex teaching
- 9:45 AM: Accessibility
- 10:30 AM: Exam Security
- 11:15 AM: Ask the Experts #1
- 12:00 PM: Keynote Speaker
- Humanizing Online Teaching: Leveraging Relationships to Fuel Engagement & Rigor
- 1:15 PM: Work From Home Setup
- 2:00 PM: Laptop/Mic/Camera Settings
- 2:45 PM: Online Privacy Protection
- 3:30 PM: Ask the Experts #2
- 4:00 PM: Virtual Happy Hour
- Ask the Experts includes:
- Canvas | D2L | Zoom | MyMedia | Qualtrics | MediaSite| GradeScope| Pedagogy
Day of Development Session Recordings
Keynote Speaker, Michelle Pacansky-Brock
Michelle’s work has helped online instructors across the nation understand how to craft relevant, humanized online learning experiences that support the diverse needs of college students. In her current role as Faculty Mentor for the California Community Colleges CVC-OEI/@ONE, she coordinates professional development in support of quality online teaching and learning and is leading an intersegmental California Learning Lab grant project that will examine the impact of humanized online instruction on diverse students in undergraduate online STEM courses in California.
The Keynote Address will be entitled: Humanizing Online Teaching: Leveraging Relationships to Fuel Engagement & Rigor
To navigate through these unknown and traumatic times, educators must be knowledgeable about how learning happens (and why it often does not). Recognizing the role of emotions in learning illuminates the critical need to foster a connection with students at a distance. This presentation will explore techniques to get to know the rich stories of your students, ensure they feel seen and valued, and foster positive relationships asynchronously. Humanized online teaching employs push and care to foster rigor through empathy and ensures all students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Coming Spring 2022:
Academic Tech Expo Spring 2022 – Tri-Campus Conference
FREE to all University of Oklahoma Faculty, Staff, Instructors, and Clinicians.
The ATE conference will build off last year’s success and include the aforementioned Tri-Campus collaboration that seeks to increase inter-disciplinary technology collaborations and effectiveness at the University of Oklahoma, both in the classroom and beyond. This FREE, two-day event is open to all University faculty, staff, and instructors. Each year our attendees enjoy:
- Engaging speakers
- Hands-on technology demonstrations
- Continental breakfast and catered lunch
- Post-conference reception
- Interesting breakout sessions
- Ample networking opportunities
- Specialized tracks, including a new Medical Track